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The Pii Advisory Group conducted a survey of existing QI content in family medicine residency curricula across the country, including approaches to and materials for teaching QI.

In 2018 an extensive, participative process of meetings with multiple stakeholder engagement and input was undertaken to develop specific QI and research learning objectives that could support QI and research competencies in CanMEDs-FM 2017 and the Red Book.

The process for identifying QI-related learning objectives that could support the competencies included:

  • Input from the Pii Advisory Group
  • An electronic survey sent in July/August 2018 to the identified CFPC committees, including the Section of Teachers, Section of Researchers, Section of Residents, family medicine program directors, QI leads at the departments of family medicine, and the CFPC Chair of Chairs
  • Input from the Invitational Quality Improvement Symposium in September 2018
  • Input from the CFPC Education and Research Department
  • Input from stakeholders involved in developing QI curriculum (e.g., at the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada)

This work will culminate in a QI guide for family medicine residency programs with suggestions on what to incorporate in their curricula related to QI and learning and assessment methods. This will include examples from across the country from different residency programs.

For more information, please contact us at [email protected].

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