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The Innovation in Primary Care series fosters collaboration and idea sharing among provincial Chapters and family physicians across the country, so they can benefit from others’ experiences, knowledge, and best practices.

The series highlights local innovations and approaches to health care that are working well. Each Canadian case study focuses on a specific situation, including the problem addressed, strategies used, goals achieved, and lessons learned.

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) and its Advisory Committee on Family Practice developed the series to give individuals and teams opportunities to showcase innovations in care that they have introduced in their local jurisdictions of practice and to open the possibility of scaling up these ideas. The series launched in January 2017 with its first issue, Effective Primary/Secondary Interface.

To share an innovative model or practice or to provide feedback on the series, please send an email to [email protected].

Latest release

Social accountability is at the core of family medicine. Despite impossible demands on their time, energy, and resources, family physicians across the country have found ways to guard this important part of their identity, overcome obstacles, and breathe life into the socially accountable care that they provide. This issue features examples of innovations that illustrate how family physicians across Canada are managing to keep the spirit of socially accountable care alive in the face of increasing system demands and physician burnout.

Past issues

November 2020: Integrating Mental Health Services in Primary Care

Download Integrating Mental Health Services in Primary Care
The CFPC has partnered with the Canadian Psychiatric Association and the Canadian Psychological Association to produce the fourth issue in the Innovation in Primary Care series. The latest issue — Integrating Mental Health Services in Primary Care — highlights how best to influence patient, provider, and system outcomes by highlighting case examples that address common challenges and barriers to integrating mental health services.

The issue pays particular interest to psychological and psychiatric services in community-based practices. Case examples from Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, and Manitoba demonstrate how family physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, and other health care providers can work together to improve access to mental health services for patients in their communities.

Integrating Mental Health Services in Primary Care

March 2018: Caring for Unattached and Marginalized Patients

The second issue of the Innovation in Primary Care series looks at caring for unattached and marginalized patients. The cases featured are from Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and Quebec.

Caring for Unattached and Marginalized Patients

April 2019: Integration of Pharmacists Into Interprofessional Teams

For the third issue in the series, the CFPC partnered with the Canadian Pharmacists Association to highlight exemplary instances of interaction and engagement involving family physicians and pharmacists across Canada. Cases from Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Ontario demonstrate how family physicians and pharmacists can work together and share resources to address challenges such as fragmented care; access to timely and reliable drug information and management; safe prescribing; coordination of community services; and more to provide high-quality patient care and improve patient satisfaction.

Integration of Pharmacists Into Interprofessional Teams


January 2017 (premiere issue): Effective Primary/Secondary Care Interface

The first issue in the series focuses on the theme of "effective primary/secondary care interface" with cases featured from Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Ontario.

Effective Primary/Secondary Care Interface

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