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Notice: The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) is pausing its endorsement of Clinical Practice Guidelines.  We are evaluating the guideline endorsement service, including our capacity and objectives. We will update this message once complete.


The CFPC is proud to highlight evidence-based clinical practice guidelines that would be valuable to family physicians through its endorsement protocol. An endorsement allows use of the CFPC logo on the guidelines and denotes it was favourably reviewed by evidence evaluation experts at the College.

The CFPC endorsement process is solely reserved for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Due to limited capacity and resources, the CFPC is unable to consider requests to endorse products or other materials.

Information and steps to request an endorsement of clinical practice guidelines

  1. The rationale, process, and principles of guideline endorsement by the CFPC can be found in the CFP July 2021 article “Endorsement of clinical practice guidelines.”
  2. To request an endorsement, please include the following information in your package:
    • Describe the guideline you want endorsed, including your reason(s) for seeking the College’s support.
    • Include a copy of the clinical practice guideline.
    • Complete the CFPC Endorsement Criteria: Applicant Form, which is necessary for the assessment. Any submission requires the completion of the checklist, in either English or French.
  3. Email your request to [email protected], addressed to the Director of Health Policy and Government Relations.
  4. Once received, the endorsement review process is run through the CFPC’s Program and Practice Support Department and managed by the Guideline and Knowledge Translation Expert Working Group. This group will make a recommendation for or against endorsement to the Executive Director of Professional Development and Practice Support, who will make the final decision. We aim to provide the outcome of the review to the requestor within six weeks, but delays can occur. That decision may be appealed once with escalation to the CEO or CFPC Board as necessary.

Related Resources

Endorsed documents, family practice resources

The CFPC endorses documents and family practice resources for use in clinical practice developed by other organizations.

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