Undergraduate Education Committee (UGEC)

The Undergraduate Education Committee (UGEC) is a sub-committee of the Section of Teachers Council (SOT). Its purpose is to provide a national focus for undergraduate family medicine.
The Committee strategically supports undergraduate directors across Canada to create dynamic undergraduate family medicine experiences.
The UGEC is also devoted to improving the number of medical students that choose family medicine, as well as preparing them for their new career. This will be accomplished by establishing best practices in undergraduate family medicine education.
Access supports, tools, and news updates for teachers, preceptors, and education leaders
Who we are
Dr. Martina Kelly
Dr. Lyn Power
Dr. Emily Burbidge
Dr. Nancy Fowler
Dr. Risa Freeman
Dr. Alenia Kysela
Dr. Ann Lee
Dr. Nikita Pasricha
Dr. Harshvi Patel
Dr. Gena Piliotis
College of Family Physicians of Canada staff
Director, Education
Education Projects Coordinator
To contact the UGEC, or ask any questions on the Committee’s discussion papers, please email [email protected].
What we do
The Undergraduate Education Committee:
- Provides the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) with an expert group to provide strategic guidance on medical degree (MD) education and medical student matters, and champion undergraduate education initiatives, including the promotion of family medicine as a top choice for medical students
- Advocates for the expansion of an MD curriculum in generalism and social accountability towards underserviced populations
- Develops initiatives that position local undergraduate family medicine educators as leading generalist consultants for MD program governance and curriculum design
- Generates support for local undergraduate family medicine educators in developing and delivering dynamic formal and informal curricula to prepare students for any discipline they choose to enter, particularly in family medicine
Written by the Undergraduate Education Committee
Proceedings from the Undergraduate Education Retreat on Advancing Generalism
CanMEDS-FMU 2019: Undergraduate competencies from a family medicine perspective
Twelve Points when Talking to a Medical Student About a Career in Family Medicine
Rethinking Undergraduate Medical Education – A View from Family Medicine (release date: April 2008)
Other Reference Documents
University of Calgary: Task Force on Family Medicine as a Career Choice (presented by Dr. Bruce Wright at the Family Medicine Forum 2009 in Calgary - Family Medicine Education Forum on Wednesday October 28th, 2009)