Canadian Family Physician Editorial Advisory Board

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The Canadian Family Physician Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) acts in an advisory capacity regarding the editorial content and direction of Canadian Family Physician (CFP), a peer-reviewed medical journal, and the official publication of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC). The EAB assists the journal’s editor by proposing article topics and recruiting potential authors.
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Who we are
The Canadian Family Physician Editorial Advisory Board is a standing committee of the Board.
The EAB acts in an advisory capacity regarding the editorial content and direction of the journal.
The mandate of CFP is to serve family physicians in all types of practice in every part of Canada in both official languages, advance the continuing development of family medicine as a discipline, and contribute to the ongoing improvement of patient care.
Dr. Curtis Handford, Toronto, Ontario
Dr. G. Michael Allan, Edmonton, Alberta
Dr. Vanessa Brcic, Vancouver, British Columbia
Dr. Breanna Davis, Melfort, Saskatchewan
Dr. Philippe Karazivan, Montreal, Quebec
Dr. Jennifer Lesmessurier, Ottawa, Ontario
Dr. Maria J. Patriquin, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Terms of reference
Type of committee
The Canadian Family Physician Editorial Advisory Board is a standing committee of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) Board of Directors.
The EAB acts in an advisory capacity regarding the editorial content and direction of the journal.
The EAB’s responsibilities include:
- To review the content and direction of the journal on a continuing basis to ensure the mandate of the journal is carried out
- To advise the editor on any and all matters pertaining to the editorial content of the journal
- To assist the editor of the journal by proposing article topics and recruiting potential authors
- To play a role, as described in the Policy Regarding Academic Integrity, in resolving any dispute that may arise between the editor and the management of the journal
The EAB will report to the CFPC Executive Committee and Board of Directors.
The Chair shall be appointed by the CFPC Board as per CFPC policy, considering the recommendation of the EAB, which may propose one of its suitably qualified members for the position.
Committee membership
Members are chosen from the five regions of the country as defined by the CFPC, plus one representative chosen by the Section of Residents. Suitably qualified individuals agreed upon by the editor and the publisher of the journal are proposed for EAB membership and, if confirmed by sitting members, are invited to join the EAB. At all times, a majority of the membership must be qualified family physicians holding certification from the CFPC.
Term of office
There shall be a three-year term of office (renewable once); the resident representative will serve for two years.
Frequency of meetings
One meeting in the spring and additional teleconferences as necessary are held each year. Members may elect to hold a second in-person meeting if required.
Support staff
- Scientific Editor
- Associate scientific editor
- Managing editor
- Publisher
- EAB coordinator
- Executive director