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The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) offers four member classes:
  • Practising
  • Non-Practising
  • Learners
  • Associates
Practising members, who have continuing professional development (CPD) requirements, pay a fee while members who are not in practice and do not have CPD requirements, do not pay.

The exception to this is Associate members, who pay a membership fee.

Membership Classes

  • Practising Class

    A Practising member in good standing is:
    • A licensed physician engaged in the practise of family medicine including patient care, teaching, research, and/or administrative
    • A member in their first year of practise
    • A licensed physician engaged in a primary care practice or a specialty other than family medicine who holds certification from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or another certifying body recognized by the CFPC
    Practising members are required to:
    • Pay annual national and Chapter fees
    • Fulfill CPD requirements as determined by the Board
    • Be members of both the CFPC and a Chapter
      • Members who practise in the territories or outside of Canada do not need to be members of a Chapter

    Practising members have one vote at the Annual Meeting of Members (AMM).

    The majority of members voted to streamline member classes during the 2022 AMM. Former classes that now fall into the Practising class include: Active; Affiliate; Life (Practising); Senior; Sustaining/Sustaining Mainpro+®.

  • Non-Practising Class

    A Non-Practising member in good standing is:
    • A person who is no longer actively engaged in providing medical care to patients, nor actively involved in any other medical or medically -related field or endeavour
    • An individual of distinction who is not a family physician, but who has made outstanding contributions to family medicine
    • A member of the public with a role on the CFPC Board and/or its committees
    Non-Practising members:
    • Do not pay annual national or Chapter fees
    • Do not have to fulfill CPD requirements
    • Are members of both the CFPC and a Chapter

    Non-Practising members do not have a vote at the AMM.

    The majority of members voted to streamline member classes during the 2022 AMM. Former classes that now fall into the Non-Practising class include Retired; Life (Non-Practising), Honorary; and Public.

  • Learner Class

    A Learner member in good standing is:
    • A physician enrolled as a resident in an approved post-graduate training program in family medicine
    • A physician who was previously a practising family physician of the CFPC and is now enrolled as a resident in an approved post-graduate training program in a medical discipline other than family medicine
    • An international medical graduate (IMG) who is enrolled in a Canadian provincial ministry of health-approved and/or university-approved assessment/training program leading to the attainment of a license to practise in Canada
    • An individual enrolled in a Canadian university faculty of medicine undergraduate program leading to the medical degree
    Learner members:
    • Do not pay annual national or Chapter fees
    • Do not need to fulfill CPD requirements, with the exception of a resident who may voluntarily register CPD
    • Are members of both the CFPC and a Chapter

    Learner members do not have a vote at the AMM.

    The majority of members voted to streamline member classes during the 2022 AMM. Former classes that now fall into the Learner class include: Student, Resident, and international medical graduate.

  • Associate

    An Associate member in good standing is:
    • A health care professional or someone who works in collaboration with family physicians in clinical practice or academic departments of family medicine
    Associate members:
    • Do pay annual national fees
    • Do not fulfill CPD requirements
    • Do not belong to a Chapter nor pay annual Chapter fees

    To enrol in this class, an applicant must provide a valid referee—a Practising or Associate member in good standing with the CFPC and who has volunteered to act as a reference for the applicant during the application process.

    An Associate does not have a vote at the AMM.

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