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The CFPC’s Short-term Strategic Priorities (2024–2027)

The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)’s Board of Directors has established short-term priorities to set the direction for the next two to three years as the organization continues to stabilize. The next strategic plan will be built via a comprehensive process that incorporates robust consultation with members and interest holders to build a plan with a five- to 10-year horizon. The strategic plan resulting from this comprehensive process would begin guiding the CFPC by fall of 2027 at the latest.
  1. Focus on core business principles, specifically revenue generation and cost containment
    • Prioritizing revenue generating programs with adequate organizational supports
    • Finding new areas of revenue generation where possible
    • Exploring areas to reduce expenditure and find efficiency within the organization
    • Identifying and strengthening best practice standards of business structure/supports
    • Exploring opportunities to expand the CFPC membership
    • Improving membership structure to provide more options/value to members
  2. Evaluate and emphasize non-revenue generating member value activities that are known to be meaningful for the membership
    • Supporting and/or enhancing member value activities that do not directly generate revenue
    • Strengthening relationships with Chapters to increase value provided to members
    • Identifying and strengthening core advocacy functions including collaboration with partners as needed. Present targeted areas** may evolve.
    • Collaborating on initiatives that improve health workforce capacity
    • Re-evaluating activities that do not have clear value metrics
    • Continuing redistribution of resources to essential areas of member value
  3. Approach governance with a continual improvement mindset
    • Developing a sustainable plan for ongoing governance growth and maturation
    • Informing consultation processes to be used in activities like building a long-term five- to 10-year strategic plan
  4. Support and foster desired organizational culture
    • Consistently considering and integrating equity, diversity, inclusion, and anti-racism principles to make sure that all members feel welcome to engage
    • Addressing environmental, social, and governance trends that are important to the membership, and that align with the CFPC’s purpose
**The CFPC’s present targeted advocacy areas are:
  • Less paperwork
  • Remuneration (fair pay, loan forgiveness)
  • Foreign credentials recognition
  • Indigenous health
  • More teams
  • Topics that tie into prescription for primary care (Patient’s Medical Home)
  • Chapter support as needed
Throughout the duration of the short-term priorities, core CFPC functions will continue, such as:
  • Collecting member fees
  • Performing accreditation visits
  • Administering exams and certifying family physicians
  • Certifying CPD (continuing professional development)
  • Setting standards in residency and CPD
  • Managing Mainpro+®
  • Advocating and engaging in government relations on behalf of members
(September 2024)

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