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January 31, 2023

The College of Family Physicians of Canada™ (CFPC) recognizes the importance of physician mobility to improve availability of health care providers delivering care to communities across Canada and streamline the process for physicians. Our organization supports national physician licensure. The CFPC supports a portable physician licence that is national in scope and nationally coordinated. The process toward national licensure is led by provincial and territorial regulatory authorities and the national body, the Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FMRAC), supported by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Royal College), the Canadian Medical Association (CMA), and the CFPC.

There are several elements of provincial/territorial licensure that must be considered within a national licensure framework, including: registration for billing of provincial/territorial health insurance plans, credential management, data collection in the province or territory of practice, practice/liability insurance, and to ensure the public interest is protected through a venue for patients to register concerns around the care they receive.

During the establishment of a national, coordinated framework it is important to note current expedited licensing pathways for out-of-province/territory physicians that aim to speed up practice readiness.

We look forward to the federal government engaging FMRAC and the provincial and territorial licensing authorities, along with the Royal College, CMA, and CFPC to create a robust national framework that benefits both patients and physicians.