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Residency Accreditation Committee

Who we are


Dr. Jennifer Hall


Dr. Jocelyne Beelen
Dr. Fraser Brenneis
Dr. Robert Carlin
Dr. Brian Geller
Dr. Ed Hirvi
Dr. Guylaine Laguë
Dr. Thomas Larente
Dr. Kathy Lawrence
Dr. Louise Nasmith
Dr. Danielle O’Keefe
Dr. Alain Papineau
Dr. Dominique Pilon
Dr. Sasha Sealy
Dr. Karen Schultz
Dr. Nikka Stoger
Dr. Brent Wolfrom
Dr. Eric Wong


Geneviève Coiteux
Dr. Lisa Graves
Ryan Kelly
Tara Philips

College of Family Physicians of Canada staff

Director, Accreditation
Manager, Accreditation

What we do


The Residency Accreditation Committee (RAC) is responsible for setting the specific standards for family medicine residency programs accredited by the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC).

As part of this mandate, the RAC monitors the implementation of these standards through onsite visits and regular communication with the training programs.

The RAC:

  • Reviews and establishes criteria for the accreditation of all residency training programs in family medicine
  • Determines accreditation status of programs accredited by the CFPC as outlined in the Standards of Accreditation for Residency Programs in Family Medicine
  • Determines, along with the Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Canada (Royal College), the accreditation status of institutions with postgraduate programs in accordance with the criteria outlined in the General Standards of Accreditation for Institutions with Residency Programs
  • Maintains ongoing dialogue with family medicine departments and postgraduate medical education offices to provide clarification around standards and to solicit ideas and responses to existing standards and committee initiatives

Maintains ongoing dialogue with the Collège des médecins du Québec (CMQ), the Royal College, the Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FMRAC) and other relevant accrediting bodies concerning education and accreditation issues of common interest, and works collaboratively with their residency accreditation committees to improve alignment

* This version (July 2018, V1.2) of the Red Book is updated from the previous version shared with family medicine programs dated October 2017 (Prototype 3, Version 1), and includes the addition of intellectual property language, as well as minor editorial revisions. No standards have been added to or removed. The release of the new Red Book allows for adequate lead-in time to the full implementation and application of new standards and processes scheduled for July 2019. Please be aware that the General Standards and Red Book are “living documents” undergoing regular review and revision. Depending on where members’ schools are at in the Accreditation survey cycle, they may be held to a different version of the standards (past or future), reflected operationally in the CanAMS (Accreditation Management System). Programs will be given a minimum of one-year notice in advance of a survey visit clarifying the Red Book version/standards and related processes that will be applied.

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