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Celebrating family medicine colleagues worldwide

May 19, 2024 is World Family Doctor Day

Join us on May 19th as we celebrate World Family Doctor Day! In alignment with the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA), we want to further recognize the exceptional efforts and unwavering commitment exhibited by family physicians. Family doctors are the heart of the health care system and continue to demonstrate incredible resilience.

Celebrating World Family Doctor Day: Thank you, family doctors

Dear CFPC members,

May 19th is World Family Doctor Day and I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your unwavering dedication, compassion, and expertise in providing essential care to individuals and families across our communities. Your commitment to promoting health, preventing illness, and fostering relationships built on trust and understanding truly makes a difference in countless lives every day.

Your role as a family physician goes beyond medical expertise; you are often the first point of contact for patients in their times of need, offering not only medical care but also empathy, support, and reassurance. Your tireless efforts in ensuring the well-being of your patients, especially during challenging times, are deeply appreciated and valued.

Thank you for your compassion and your continued commitment to excellence in health care. This month, we celebrate you and the invaluable contributions you make to the health and well-being of all in Canada. Happy World Family Doctor Day!

With sincere appreciation,

Mike Allan, BSc, MD, CCFP, FCFP
Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director

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