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CAMH: The Refugee Mental Health Project
The Refugee Mental Health Project aims to build settlement, social and health service providers' knowledge and skills regarding refugee mental health and promote inter-sector and inter-professional collaboration.

Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health (CCIRH)
Knowledge exchange website

Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health: CanMeds-based Refugees and Global Health e-Learning Program
This resource has been used with medical students, family medicine residents, clinic staff, International Medical Graduates (IMGs), and family doctors to introduce them to some of the required competencies in this field. Available in French and English. Quiz and certificate option on request.

Canadian Pediatric Society: Kids New to Canada
This resource contains several chapters on context, culture and kids. It takes a step into the cultural and social complexities of care.

CCIRH ? CIHR Cochrane Refugee Podcasts
A series of 19 family medicine cases and recommendations; easy access to the evidence behind CCIRH recommendations EG, Latent TB, NNT, NNH, HIV, Hep C, etc.; links to CMAJ 2011 publication. Listen as Dr. Grant, a family doctor, discovers the joys and challenges of refugee health and meets refugee patients with less common diseases; a brief cameo with CCIRH guidelines author lead; pilot-tested with Canadian and American family doctors and residents at NAPCRG.

CFP: Health Status of newly arrived refugees in Toronto, ON
Part I: Infectious Diseases
Full text pdf

Part 2: Chronic Diseases
Full text pdf

CMAJ Decision: Caring for a newly arrived Syrian refugee family
Kevin Pottie MD MClSc, Christina Greenaway MD MSc, Ghayda Hassan PhD, Charles Hui MD, Laurence J. Kirmayer MD. This Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health paper includes new evidence from the Middle East and Europe on many diseases relative to the 600,000 Syrian refugees in Europe: TB, Hep C, parasites, etc. CMAJ, December 2015.

CMAJ Guidelines: Evidence-based clinical guidelines for immigrants and refugees
Pottie, Greenaway, Feightner, Welch et al for the Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health (CCIRH); CMAJ September 6, 2011)
Full Text PDF

CMAJ Review: Common mental health problems in immigrants and refugees: general approach in primary care
Laurence J. Kirmayer, Lavanya Narasiah, Marie Munoz, Meb Rashid, Andrew G. Ryder, Jaswant Guzder, Ghayda Hassan, C?cile Rousseau, and Kevin Pottie, for the Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health (CCIRH); CMAJ September 6, 2011
Full text

The Rourke Record for newly arriving refugees and immigrants
This resource has integrated the CCIRH evidence-based recommendation for refugees, with the Canadian Task Force Preventive Care Recommendation in the context of delivery for family medicine. It is population-focused for clinicians and a helpful product for new family doctors seeing refugees.

Impact of Refugees on the Health Care System in Jordan: Implications for Health
Presentation by Professor Muntaha Gharaibeh, Secretary General , Jordanian Council, Jordan.

The United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR): Review on the trauma and mental health for Syrian refugees
Developed by a group led by Ghayda Hassan, Lawrence Kirmayer and C?cile Rousseau, this is an excellent resource for family doctors who wish to understand the war and impact of trauma on the Syrian refugees.

Resources coming in 2016

Compiled with the assistance of:

Dr. Kevin Pottie, University of Ottawa
Dr. Doug Gruner, University of Ottawa
on behalf of the Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health

Dr. Meb Rashid
Medical Director, Crossroads Clinic at Women's College Hospital, Toronto ON


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