For Researchers
The need for family medicine and primary care research
Primary care is the cornerstone of the health care system in Canada and family physicians make a significant contribution to it. Research is an element of practice as outlined in the CFPC’s Professional Profile. It creates the evidence that forms the foundation of our discipline, guides care, and informs health services planning and education. The ability to identify, study, and cite our own evidence is essential to reaffirm the value and impact of primary care, including family medicine, on Canadians’ health and the Canadian health care system. Explore our resources and connect with our community of researchers.
Learn more about the Section of ResearchersThe Section of Researchers’ (SOR’s) Blueprint for Family Medicine Research Success 2.0 (2018-2023)
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Preparing our Future Family Physicians. Using research and evaluation toward education and practice improvement.
Research news and updates
Exploring Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Practical considerationsThe Section of Researchers recognizes that there is a need to more actively address issues of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in primary care research. This session at the Family Medicine Forum will explore ways to better understand how EDI issues impact research and researchers in family medicine/primary care. Please join us as panelists share their knowledge and experience and discuss strategies to advance EDI in family medicine/primary care research.
Results of the June 2022 CFPC Members Survey on COVID-19
It is critically important to know how family doctors are caring for their patients and communities as front-line health workers in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) surveyed its more than 42,000 members in 2020, 2021 and 2022. We told their COVID-19 stories at the start of the pandemic. The results of the June 2022 survey show how family doctors continue to adapt their practices and the concerns they have for the well-being of their patients and themselves.
Highlights of the 2022 CFPC Members Survey on COVID-19 are available online.
Have questions? Please contact us at
Creating a Stronger Base for Health Care Innovation
The College of Family Physicians of Canada continues to promote the critical importance of research in primary care. Read about our current advocacy efforts related to Canadian Institutes of Health Research funding and the need to enhance support for primary, home, and community health care research to improve the health of everyone in Canada.
Proposal for a CIHR institute of integrated primary, home, and community health care
Despite the critical importance of primary, home, and community care to the health of everyone in Canada, less than 3 per cent of Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) funding goes to primary care. In addition, most of this is time-limited strategic funding that will end soon.
The creation of an integrated primary, home, and community health care institute as part of the CIHR would position Canada as a leader in these research areas. It would also strengthen the capacity of these sectors to respond to future and emerging health care needs and challenges.
Please read and share the proposal provided here.
The CFPC's Position Statement: Supporting access to data in electronic medical records for quality improvement and research
Section of Researchers
The Section of Researchers (SOR) is the section of the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) that represents members who have an interest in primary care research in Canada. Members include family physicians, residents, medical students, and researchers from different professions and background, includes early-, mid-, and senior-career researchers.